Adobe Business Catalyst Recommendation Engine
Adobe Business Catalyst Recommendation Engine
Displays a list of product recommendations based on what other customers purchased on your website. This module can be inserted anywhere on your website or in email campaigns.
This module also supports Liquid, take a look at this article to learn how to access its Liquid output tags and render it using your own custom logic.
Conditions for feature to work
- Minimum number of orders = 100
- Minimum (total) number of distinct products that have been ordered = 25
- Only orders done starting 6 months ago are processed
- Default parameters in modules
- NumberOfProducts = 10
- targetFrame = false
- useBackupLayout = false
Technical Details
For every site:
- User preferences are fed into the Recommender from the database, in the form of Client-Product
- An ordered list of recommendations is generated into the database, in the form of Client-Product-Rank
- Steps 1 and 2 are repeated periodically
- The business owner can include the list of recommendations for their clients to see
When a module is rendered, the template is populated from the Recommendations table, along with additional information about each product.